The Amazing New Digital Course In Handicapping That Will Dramatically Improve Your Bottom Line 100% Guaranteed!
Handicapping Magic 3rd Edition: A Digital Course In Handicapping
Long Out Of Print, The Classic Handicapping Magic Book Is Now Available In Digital Format As Part Of This Breakthrough Course!
Here’s How You Can Be The First To Get The Brand New 3rd Edition Of Handicapping Magic Including All New Chapters By Michael Pizzolla AND His Dynamic Personal Video Instruction PLUS A Special Free Bonus: The Banned Writings Of Michael Pizzolla!

Now You Can Get The Updated 3rd Edition Of The Handicapping Book Of The Century, The Book That Started A Revolution In Handicapping Circles And Has Been Hailed As A Major Breakthrough In Thoroughbred Handicapping…
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Find Out Why Handicappers Have Paid Over $300 For Copies Of This Rare Out Of Print Masterpiece Of Handicapping Wisdom. Now You Can Have The Entire Original Text PLUS New Sections By Michael Pizzolla AND 5 New Personal Video That’s Like Getting Personal Instruction From Michael Right On Your Computer!

Michael has also created state of the art DVD trainings in handicapping, including Mastering The Art Of Handicapping And Value Investing, the Advanced Mastery Course, and the new ValueCapping Academy.
Michael, an attorney by training, turned his attention to computers and thoroughbred racing. He has been hailed as one of the true pioneers of computer handicapping.
In 1994, Michael created and invented the original online racing form, then called the Handicappers’ Daily Racing Form. Micheal’s company was the only one to have ever published the Beyer Speed Figures® other than the Daily Racing Form©.
Dear Handicapper And Friend,
If you’re ready for handicapping to be fun and profitable again, this may be one of the most important letters you’ll read this year.
Here’s why.
There’s a book that has had an amazingly positive effect on handicappers’ bottom lines all over the country. This book introduced revolutionary new techniques and mindsets from a professional-level handicapper that can improve your handicapping and increase your profits like no other.
That book is Handicapping Magic by Michael Pizzolla, the breakthrough best-selling handicapping book.
The problem is that this masterpiece has been out of print for years. One handicapper who made several monster scores from the principles of Handicapping Magic lost his only copy, and gladly paid over $300 for a used copy of the book so he could have it to refer to and read over and over.
Pace Balanced Speed Numbers™, Projected Power Fractions™, The Fulcrum™, Form Cycle Windows, These Breakthrough Techniques Are Now In The Arsenal Of The Sharpest Handicappers In The Game Because Of Handicapping Magic!
It’s true. Many of the secret techniques that are now used by handicappers in the know originated with Michael’s Handicapping Magic.
Post Time Is Proudly Releasing The New 3rd Edition Of Handicapping Magic In Digital Format, With New Chapters, New Information, Hours Of Personal Video Instruction From Michael Pizzolla, And A Special Bonus
You Get The Entire Text Of The Original Handicapping Magic PLUS These All New Updated Sections:
The Fulcrum™: Still Working After All These Years
Michael takes you step by step through recent examples of amazing Fulcrum scores. For example, did you know that the $48.80 winner of the 2007 Pacific Classic was a Fulcrum Horse? Michael will also show you how the very next race was also won by the Fulcrum Horse, who paid $16.20 and completed a $579.80 Daily Double! You’ll also see how you might have snagged a $71.80 Fulcrum Horse with very little effort!
The Reversal Protocol™
For the first time in print, Michael explains all the details of his patented Reversal Protocol™. He says that this one technique has been the source of remarkable profits, and can make a profound difference in your bottom line.
Exotic Betting: A Primer On Dynamics And Techniques
If you’ve ever seen Michael in action at one of his Las Vegas Seminars, you know that he is a master of exotic betting. Now he reveals the most important dynamics of making great exotic bets. You’ll learn how to structure exactas and trifectas like a professional. And you’ll learn about bankroll requirements and how they are different from win betting. PLUS Michael gives you 7 specific scenarios and 10 specific betting strategies that will allow you to bet exotics even with a modest bankroll! When you see these strategies, you’ll agree that this new chapter alone is worth the entire price of the 3rd Edition of Handicapping Magic!
Two Advanced Techniques With PBS And PPF: Power Targets And Power Connectors
Michael explains two easy-to-use techniques for spotting horses that can be the keys to highly profitable wagers. In fact, Michael used the Power Connector technique in the original book to snag Charismatic in the Kentucky Derby. When you know this secret, you’ll gain clarity in races that may puzzle you now.
Inner Secrets Of PBS And PPF
Learn about the interplay of pace and position and how they are integrated into the PBS and PPF ratings! Plus, you’ll learn why PPF is such a solid rating and can provide a key to mastering the new SYNTHETIC RACING SURFACES!
Form Cycle Patterns: Principles For Advanced Studies
Michael reveals the underlying simple principle behind his Advanced Form Cycle patterns.
The Education Of A Racetrack Investor: A Look Behind And A Look Ahead
In this very candid chapter, Michael talks about the beginnings of his approach to handicapping, the birth of Handicapping Magic techniques, and talks about where handicapping is heading in the future.
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And In This Digital 3rd Edition Of Handicapping Magic, You’ll Get These Amazing Personal Video Lessons From Michael Pizzolla!
Imagine being able to sit right next to Michael while he takes you through the basics and then the advanced techniques of Handicapping Magic. Imagine you’re looking at his computer while he explains to you exactly what he’s doing, step by step.
These Personal Video Lessons are just like having Michael right there at your desk, explaining each and every technique right on your computer. When you click on these videos, you’ll see Michael’s actual computer screen, you’ll see exactly what he looks for, and you’ll hear him make it all very simple for you.
Personal Video Lesson 1: Inner Secrets Of The Fulcrum
Michael shows you step-by-step how he found Fulcrum Horses that paid boxcar mutuels, how to easily set the Fulcrum Pace, and more importantly explains why going through the process of selecting a Fulcrum gives you insights into the race automatically and programs your mind to handicap the race!
Personal Video Lesson 2: The Amazing Power Of Soft Focus
Watch as Michael takes you through an entire card, from Maiden races to Turf races to a Grade I Stakes, using his famous ‘Soft Focus’ techniques. The insights you gain from these ultra-simple techniques will amaze you! Spot the Pace Scenario of the race in seconds. Learn about how to ‘soft focus’ speed ratings to make speed handicapping ‘speedy’. Maybe more than any other technique, Soft Focus has been overlooked by handicappers looking for complicated methods and formulas. When you see Michael demonstrate this in a video that is just like having him sitting down beside you and taking you through the steps, you’ll rediscover the amazing power of soft focus.
Personal Video Lesson 3: Power Connectors, Keys, And The $61 Horse
In this Personal Video Lesson, Michael will show you how he puts all the techniques together and used his Power Connector Technique to find a $61 horse. You’ll feel like a master handicapper is right there showing you his inner secrets step by step.
Personal Video Lesson 4: Ultimate Value Bets: A $27.80 Reversal Horse
Personal Video Lesson 5: Ultimate Value Bets: $88.60 In A Small Field
In these Personal Video Lessons, Michael shows you how you can find amazing value horses that can be Dream Bets. He’ll show you how to spot those horses that have many different factors combining to make them ‘best of best’ bets. Amazingly, Michael will show you how these horses can pay remarkable prices!
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ou Get The Original Text Of Handicapping Magic, The All New Material, The 5 Personal Video Lessons, And A Very Special Bonus Available ONLY Through This Prepublication Offer…
The Banned Writings Of Michael Pizzolla
Many years ago, when Michael taught with a pace handicapping group, he was asked to contribute to a collaborative work called Pace Makes The Race. This very rare and out of print book from 1990 is still is a collector’s item.
There was a big controversy about Michael’s chapters. The other authors were very wary about including them in the book because they presented handicapping principles that were considered ‘radical’ by this group. For example, the idea that the value aspect of a bet was much more important than the horse’s numbers.
These chapters were almost banned from the original book. When the book was republished, Michael’s chapters WERE BANNED!
Although the rest of the book was good solid information, many handicappers who read the original knew that much of the insightful teaching of the book was missing without Michael’s contribution. We’ve been able to get for you the Lost Writings Of Michael Pizzolla.
Recently, Michael located his dog-eared copy of the book. And he wants to share with you his chapters. The material will seem very familiar, and will read like a “prequel” to Handicapping Magic!
You’ll gain new insight into the techniques of Handicapping Magic, and you’ll see how the universal principles of Michael’s teaching can work with virtually any rating scheme.
Here’s what you get with this very special bonus:
>Paceline Selection: The Race That Makes The Pace:
Learn the origins of Michael’s famous LASST paceline technique and a three-step method to nail the horse’s projected performance
Pacelines, Form Cycle, Value: “Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda”
In this entertaining tour de force, Michael explains the relationship between Form Cycles and Value. This controversial chapter almost didn’t make it into the book!
Fulcrums–Using And Selecting A Fulcrum Pace
Yes, all those years ago, Michael wrote about his Fulcrum technique. Remarkably, he reveals that he had been using it for 5 years! That would be 22 years ago! Also learn the real story behind the PBS numbers.
The Decision Making Process: An Introduction To The Tao Of Handicapping
If a glitch occurred and wiped out every other part of Handicapping Magic 3rd Edition except this chapter, you would still be getting a tremendous bargain just for this chapter. These pages can change your handicapping life! Michael talks of: Diligence, Impeccability, and Truthfulness.
AND…Get Michael’s ‘Nine Lessons In Handicapping’
- When A 9/5 Shot Is An Outstanding Value
- Fishing In Murky Waters: The “Ugly” Race
- The Value Of Knowing Your Own Handicapping
- A Small Object Lesson In The Difference Between Position And Velocity
- A Very, Very Close Race
- The Importance Of Form Cycle Analysis
- The Agony Of Defeat. The Best Laid Plans…
- Why Horses Which Have Run Against Each Other Last Time Do Not Finish In The Same Order Today
- When The Best Bet Is No Bet: Passing A Race For Fun And Profit
You’ll Love The Digital 3rd Edition Of Handicapping Magic And We Guarantee That With Our Iron-Clad, No Questions Asked, Better Than 100% Money Back Guarantee!
Order this remarkable Digital Course now, watch and listen to the personal video lessons, read the material, and practice the techniques. If you’re not 100% thrilled, for any reason, or no reason at all, just return everything within 30 days for a prompt and cheerful refund. No hassle. No delay.
Chances are you’re going to realize that just one of Michael’s techniques could be worth hundreds of times what you invested. And when you see one of those horses come romping home at a price, wild horses won’t be able to pry this Digital Course out of your hands!
And we’ve saved the best news for last.
The numbers crunchers told us we should charge hundreds of dollars for this product. They reasoned that the original book would set you back at least $200. Then add in Michael’s new sections and latest thinking. On top of that, there are Michael’s 5 Personal Video Lessons. The cost for a personal lesson with Michael is in the stratosphere. Paying $100 for each of these videos would be a bargain when you consider the kind of profits you can make from these techniques. On top of that, the rare banned chapters are impossible to get.
The Pencil Pushers Told Us That This Package Is Easily Worth $1,000, And If We Charged $500 For It, We Would Be Practically Giving It Away…But if you order in the next 10 days, you’ll only pay $97 for the complete Handicapping Magic 3rd Edition Digital Course and bonuses!
That’s right–For only $97, less than the cost of just one of Michael’s Personal Video Lessons, you get:
- Handicapping Magic: The Entire Text Of The Original In Digital Format
- Michael Pizzolla’s All New 3rd Edition Chapters In Digital Format;
- Five Personal Video Lessons From Michael Pizzolla; and
- The Banned Writings Of Michael Pizzolla
SO, If you want to get in on this opportunity, you must act NOW.
We are only authorized to extend this special price for the next 10 days.
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- Handicapping Magic: The Entire Text Of The Original In Digital Format
- Michael Pizzolla’s All New 3rd Edition Chapters In Digital Format;
- Five Personal Video Lessons From Michael Pizzolla; and
- The Banned Writings Of Michael Pizzolla
Order your The Handicapping Magic™ 3rd Edition Digital Course today at the special 10 day prepublication price of $97. Right now, while it’s fresh in your mind CLICK HERE TO ORDER
Or if you prefer, pick up the phone, call 1-866-722-3367 or 702-889-2814 (9-4 Monday through Friday Pacific Time) and use your credit card to place your order.