Sometimes the preferences file for the Post Time Daily 2.x can get corrupted. Uninstalling and reinstalling the Post Time Daily doesn’t replace it. So here’s how to delete the file. You can then reinstall the Post Time Daily software.
First, uninstall Post Time Daily 2.0. Then:
Open “Documents”
On the left, under “Favorites”, click on Desktop
Double click on the folder with the same name as the account you use to log onto your computer
Go to the “Organize” menu at the top of the window and click on “Folder and Search Options”
Click the “View” tab
Under “Advanced Settings” is a list of folders and checkboxes. The second folder down is “Hidden files and folders”, select “Show hidden files, folders and drives” then Click “Ok”
Now you’ll see some “ghosted” or pale folders in your explorer window. Those are “hidden” folders that we just told Windows to display.
Double click on the folder, “AppData”
Find and double click the folder called “Local”
From “Local” go into the “Post_Time_Solutions,_Inc” folder
Now reinstall Post Time Daily 2.0 from our website