How to Record Your Screen

Home » How to Record Your Screen

Windows 10

Windows 10 does not have a built-in screen recording feature. To record your screen, you must install a 3rd-party application. There are many to choose from: some free, some not. It’s recommended to choose one which produces either MP4 or WEBM output.


Windows 11 (and above)

Users on Windows 11 have access to a built-in screen recording utility, called Snipping Tool. The Snipping Tool is actually two tools in one: a screenshot capture tool and a screen video capture tool.

Follow these instructions to record your screen to a video clip:

  1. Click the camera icon, then the New button.
  2. Hold down your left mouse button and drag your mouse, creating a rectangle on the screen. This rectangle is the area of your screen which will be recorded.
  3. Release your mouse button.
  4. If you also want to record your voice, ensure that the microphone icon is not crossed out.
  5. Click Start. You will be given a 3-second countdown before recording actually begins.
  6. Record your screen.
  7. Click the red square when you are done.
  8. Play back the recording to ensure that it looks (and sounds) as you intended.


That’s it. The utility will automatically save your video clip to your “Documents\Videos\Screen Recordings” folder.

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