Article: Horse racing drama “Luck” under scrutiny due to equine deaths during filming –

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Definitely NOT the kind of publicity the thoroughbred industry need now…

Horse racing drama “Luck” under scrutiny due to equine deaths during filming –

Thoroughbred racing has been pulled into the mainstream again, this time by the HBO series “Luck.” The drama features an all-star cast including Dustin Hoffman and Nick Nolte, and has received rave reviews since its debut last month. However, news of two horse deaths that occurred during filming is casting a shadow over the series.

According to the American Humane Association (AHA), which supervises animal action in films and television, the two incidents occurred months apart. One occurred during the filming of the pilot in April 2010 and the other happened during the filming of the seventh episode. Those two episodes do not carry the AHA’s “No animals were harmed” certification.

Posted via email from Michael Pizzolla On ValueCapping™, Horse Racing, And Technology

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