Article: Olympics Faced Same Integrity Issue as Racing

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Olympics Faced Same Integrity Issue as Racing |

Olympics Faced Same Integrity Issue as Racing

Photo: Skip Dickstein

Travis Tygart spoke at The Jockey Club Round Table Conference.

Fourteen years ago Olympic committees worldwide were saddled with integrity issues similar to what Thoroughbred racing faces today.

Doping among elite athletes was tarnishing the Olympic Games’ image, chasing away TV viewership, and hurting sponsorship revenues. Critics, not unfairly, started using labels like the “Chemical Games” or “HGH Games,” according to Travis Tygart, chief executive officer of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency and the keynote speaker at the annual Jockey Club Round Table Conference Aug. 12. The Thoroughbred racing industry faces the same public perception problem from the use of both legal therapeutic medications and illegal drugs.

Posted via email from Michael Pizzolla On ValueCapping™, Horse Racing, And Technology

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