Hail To The iPad

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Thought you might like to see this article from the Washington Post…I’ve got mixed feelings about this. I’ll have some shots soon of Black Magic: The Ultimate Handicapper Software™ on the iPad using it for real change: ValueCapping™ horse races!

At the White House, getting in touch with the inner circle’s inner iPads

The folks who gather early every morning in the West Wing office of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel have something new in common these days. Practically everyone has an iPad — or will have one very soon.

Emanuel just got his, as did senior adviser David Axelrod and deputy press secretary Bill Burton. Both communications director Dan Pfeiffer and press wrangler Ben Finkenbinder have one on order. Economic adviser Larry Summerstakes his to staff meetings.

The device is the hot, new White House toy, a gizmo that is popping up around Washington but seems to be particularly in vogue at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

But the big question is: What’s on your iPad? So we asked.




Posted via email from Michael Pizzolla On ValueCapping™, Horse Racing, And Technology

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